The Three Things Your Community Bank Needs to Thrive on Social Media.
Grow awareness and increase accounts by making your bankers locally famous through social media.
Social media delivers the most value when community banks:
Focus the communication around a non sales theme
Carry the theme through personal communications
Localize your communication by branch or community
Develop your theme around something your customers care about or enjoy.
Tap into conversations and interests your customers already share. Trading recipes is a long standing tradition in most areas and drawing on employees own favorites provided a fun platform to connect with customers.
Community State Bank of Indiana shared employees favorite recipes as part of their introduction to digital wallet. The website received over 5,000 visits from area residents, customers and prospects.
Highlight the forward facing employees who customers and community members already know.
If you’re a community bank, your employees are already woven into the fabric of the community. Let these friendly faces be the centerpoint of your social campaign.
Carry the personal and local approach through to your website to maximize your call to action.
Individualized landing pages for each of the forward facing employees carried the key messages through to the final call to action.
Laser focus communications to each branch.
Digital media allows bankers to hyper-localize their message. Connect your personalized communications to the people most likely to bank at your branch.
A 5 mile radius focused around branches maximizes both your impact and the relevance to your audience.
Even modest media budgets backing personalized content are extremely effective.